The Constitution of the Vietnamese Student Association at the College of William & Mary
Ratified on September 6, 2020
We, the members of the Vietnamese Student Association, subscribing to the regulations and policies of William & Mary establish this constitution to govern matters within our organization.
Article I: Name
The organization shall be recognized as the Vietnamese Student Association at William & Mary. The club may be referred to as V.S.A.
Article II: Purpose/Mission
The Vietnamese Student Association does establish this Constitution to introduce the Vietnamese Culture and language through the following aspects:
- To build relations with campus culture organizations and other student groups at William & Mary.
- To welcome incoming Vietnamese students and other students and assist in their transition to the University.
- To provide opportunities for Vietnamese students to interact with each other and share their cultural experiences with the University and the community.
- To establish communication with Vietnamese organizations at other institutions.
- To teach about and spread knowledge of Vietnamese culture with members, the University, and the community.
Article III: Membership
Section 1. Membership shall be open to all currently enrolled W&M students, including part time and graduate students, who show an interest in the Vietnamese culture; individuals that are not a W&M students are not eligible for membership.
- Members will be currently enrolled students who pay dues every semester. Members are entitled to have one vote during organizational meetings and have the option to hold office.
Section 2. Termination of Membership
- Members may pursue resignation by contacting the secretary by email.
- Members are able to report misconduct to officers.
- If the officer deems the report serious in nature, the Board of Officers will hold a meeting to discuss and determine the avenues of action for the accused member.
- Members lose membership when:
- They fail to pay dues when required.
- They are terminated by the Board of Officers for misconduct.
- Member status can be re-obtained by paying dues if unpaid.
Section 3. Non-Discrimination Clause:
The Vietnamese Student Association affirms its commitment to conducting it activities in accordance with W&M’s Policy on Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation.
Membership in this organization shall be open to all without regard to race, religion, creed, national origin, color, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability (or perceived disability) , personal appearance, political affiliation, source of income, citizenship status, age, marital status, family responsibilities, Veteran or military status (including disabled veteran, recently separated veteran, active duty wartime or campaign badge veteran, and Armed Forces Service Medal veteran), predisposing genetic characteristics, domestic violence victim status, height or weight.
Article IV: The Board of Officers
Section 1: The Board of Officers shall decide the times, places, and manner of meetings. There is a minimum of one meeting per month during the College session.
Section 2: The Board of Officers shall consist of the President, Internal Vice-President, External Vice-President, Culture Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Historian. Other officers such as Webmaster, Philanthropy Chair, Recruitment Chair, Public Relations Chair, Family Chair shall be optional, but if in existence they will be under the guidance of other positions.
- Additional committees may be added to the Chairs granted that the body of the VSA at the time of elections, fulfills all necessary positions.
- If an officer is not able to fulfill their responsibilities, then the listed order of positions will serve as the line of succession and will take on the responsibility of the missing position.
Section 3: Each officer shall have the power specifically delegated to them stated in their following respective section. Each officer can be delegated new powers that are not listed whenever deemed necessary by a majority vote of the Board of Officers.
Section 4: The President shall have the responsibility:
- To serve as chief executive officer and supervise all VSA functions.
- To schedule officer and general body meetings and preside over these meetings.
- To break tie votes.
- To review and approve Internal and External Vice President ad hoc committees at their discretion.
- To form and maintain relations with Vietnamese organizations at other institutions.
- To recommend for consideration VSA activities as well as participation in campus-wide activities.
- To manage the VSA financial account and inform the Treasurer of any transaction.
- To review the Student Assembly annual budget proposals with the Treasurer and other officers if necessary.
- To review and confirm the appointment of a new temporary member to the Board of Officers in case of the removal of other officers for dereliction in their duties in Article IV, Section 16.
- To assist in managing the organization and activities carried out by the organization.
Section 5. The Internal Vice President shall have the responsibility:
- To organize official social events for members within VSA to interact with each other, with other cultural associations, and with the University community.
- To maintain members’ interest in VSA.
- To ensure the continuance of the VSA Families through the process of organizing big/little or family events.
- To recommend the formation and membership of Internal ad hoc committees, whose duties will assist the Internal Vice President.
- These recommendations will be sent to the president for approval.
- To recommend for consideration VSA activities as well as participation in campus-wide activities.
- To recommend the appointment of a new temporary member to the Board of Officers in case of the removal of other officers for dereliction in their duties; expanded upon in Article IV, Section 16.
- These recommendations will be sent to the president for approval.
- To assist in managing the organization and activities carried out by the organization.
- To oversee the Recruitment and Family Chair operations.
- To fulfill the responsibilities of the Recruitment in the event that these positions are not filled.
- To manage interns and the placement of interns among the different chairs. Interns are members who seek to learn more about a position before an election.
Section 6. The External Vice-President shall have the responsibility:
- To plan official cultural activities and events put on by VSA in association with other cultural organizations for the University community.
- To attend the Mid-Atlantic Union of Vietnamese Student Associations (MAUVSA) and other related Asian representative councils meetings and represent VSA interests.
- To report to VSA officers and members of external VSA activities.
- To recommend the formation and membership of External ad hoc committees, whose duties will assist the External Vice President.
- These recommendations will be sent to the president for approval.
- To form and maintain relations with Vietnamese organizations at other institutions.
- To recommend the appointment of a new temporary member to the Board of Officers in case of the removal of other officers for dereliction in their duties; expanded upon in Article IV, Section 16.
- These recommendations will be sent to the president for approval.
- To assist in managing the organization and activities carried out by the organization.
- In the event that the Philanthropy Chair position is vacant, then the external vice president shall take over the responsibilities of the philanthropy chair.
Section 7: Culture Chair
- To plan official cultural activities and events put on by VSA in association with other cultural organizations for the University community.
- To educate members about Vietnamese culture and other Southeast Asian cultures.
- To be a liaison for anything associated with Vietnamese culture.
- To organize and produce the culture show.
- In the event that the Family Chair position is vacant, then the culture chair will take over the responsibilities of the Family Chair.
Section 8. The Treasurer shall have the responsibility:
- To maintain financial records of VSA transactions.
- To notify the President of the VSA financial status upon request by the President.
- To collect dues and fees.
- To prepare the VSA budget proposal to be submitted at the time deemed necessary by the University regulations.
- To organize the finances of and implement fundraising activities.
- To prepare an updated budget report at the beginning of every month.
Section 9. The Secretary shall have the responsibility:
- To record the minutes of every meeting.
- To keep a record of attendance at each meeting.
- To contact and inform VSA members of all meetings and activities.
- To maintain and make available a directory that lists all VSA members.
- In the event that the PR chair positions are unfulfilled, then the Secretary would fulfill the responsibilities of those positions.
Section 10. The Historian shall have the responsibility:
- To keep all non-financial records not handled by the Secretary and Treasurer.
- To create a digital with evidence of all activities and socials done by VSA for the year.
- To keep the VSA website updated.
- To appoint ad hoc committees at the discretion of the President.
- In the event that the webmaster chair position is vacant, then the historian will take over the responsibility of the webmaster.
Section 11. The Webmaster Chair shall have the responsibility:
- To create and maintain the VSA website under the sponsorship of the historian.
Section 12. The Philanthropy Chair shall have the responsibility:
- To organize and coordinate regular community service events for VSA at W&M.
Section 13. The Recruitment Chair shall have the responsibility:
- To recruit new members and work under the Internal Vice-President to organize activities pertaining to the recruitment of new members.
Section 14: The Public Relations Chair shall have the responsibility:
- To create and maintain any communication platforms the VSA intends to utilize.
- To update members of the status of the organization in tandem with the Secretary.
- To generate content to help promote the presence of the VSA in the University community and beyond.
- To communicate with the other officers on any content they wish to disseminate.
Section 15: The Family Chair shall have the responsibility:
- To organize the VSA members into family groups with the guidance of the Internal Vice President and under the guidance of the Internal Vice-President, using the Vietnamese zodiac signs.
- To organize Family based activities.
- To manage any disputes among or within the families.
Section 16. In the event of the resignation or removal of an officer, the Board of Officers will hold a general body election to fill the vacancy at the next scheduled meeting. In the event of an Officer undergoing a sabbatical spanning less than a semester, the Board of Officers will delineate the missing officer’s responsibility between them or form Committee Chairs to carry out that responsibility. No person except a VSA member may be eligible to the Board of Officers, the only exception when appointed by the President or Vice-Presidents (with the President’s approval) upon good judgment to act as a temporary replacement. This appointment must be confirmed by a majority of VSA members at the next scheduled meeting.
Section 17. An officer shall be removed from the Board of Officers by a three-fourths vote of no confidence by membership. The membership shall be composed of members described in Article III, Section 4. The vote of no confidence can only be raised under the President’s prerogative or after anonymous complaints to the next highest member on the chain of succession, as listed in section 2, were given by the majority of the Board of Officers.
Article V: Elections of New Officers
Section 1. The Board of Officers shall be elected at a meeting by the end of March to a term of one academic year. The official election process shall require three separate general body meetings (GBM): one for nomination, presentation, and election of candidates. From the time of the election until the last day of classes in the spring semester, the old board will continue to serve while shadowed by their respective replacements. New board officers will officially take office on the last day of classes of the spring semester.
Section 2. Members of VSA can nominate a candidate or themselves to run in any of the positions listed in Article IV during a general body meeting (GBM) in February. Nominations are made during a GBM and should be seconded by another member in VSA. The names shall be recorded by the Secretary and then after the GBM the Secretary to confirm with the candidates via email that they accept or deny the nomination.
Section 3. The secretary shall work with the historian to publicize the candidates to inform the members of the VSA the official candidates on the ballot.
Section 4. Another GBM shall be held in order for the candidates to present themselves to the members of VSA and prepare a speech explaining why they should be elected into their respective position.
Section 5. Lastly, a third GBM shall be organized for the election. A majority of the members must be present in order to hold an election. If necessary the President shall have the power to arrange another meeting, where there shall be a majority of voting members to hold elections.
Section 6. The elections will be conducted through a secret ballot, in which the Secretary shall oversee, except during the election of the Secretary position during which the President shall oversee.
Section 7. A candidate for an office must receive a simple majority vote in order to be elected. In the event that no candidate receives a majority vote on the first ballot, the candidate having the least number of votes shall be dropped and a second ballot shall be taken. The procedure shall be repeated if necessary until a candidate receives a majority vote.
Article VI: Meetings
Section 1. The VSA will meet regularly while classes are in session. The President will preside at the meeting. Quorum will be defined as a two-thirds majority of the membership, including one officer.
Section 2. The Board of Officers will meet regularly separate from the general body to discuss forwarding long-term goals and any issues that require privacy.
- A quorum of the board of officers for their meetings will be defined as a two-thirds majority of the Board of Officers.
Article VII: Finances
Section 1. The amount of dues and the method of collection will be decided by a majority vote of the Board of Officers at the beginning of each school year.
Section 2. The funds of the VSA Club will be stored in an off-campus organization account. The President and the Treasurer will have signature authority, and all checks must be signed by both officers.
Article VII: Amendments
Amendments may be proposed in writing by any member by emailing the Secretary. The Secretary will distribute a copy of the proposed amendments to all members for discussion at the next regularly scheduled meeting. After initial discussion, the amendment may be voted on by a simple up-or-down vote. Amendments must be passed with a 2/3 majority vote.
Article VIII: Ratification
The constitution will take effect immediately upon its passage by a ⅔ majority of the members of VSA.
Article VIII: Policy Compliance
Section 1. The Vietnamese Student Association will abide by all university policies including the Student Code of Conduct, the Campus Alcohol Policy, and requirements set by the Office of Student Leadership Development.
Section 2. The Vietnamese Student Association agrees that it will not initiate, support, or encourage any events or situations that endanger the mental or physical health or safety of a student for any purpose including but not limited to initiation or admission into or affiliation with this group or organization.